Posts in Politics
Trump Trumps Netanyahu on Jerusalem

President Trump did the right thing for Israel, for the Palestinians and for America by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. No matter what your view of the President may be, his was a statesmanlike pronouncement worthy if our President.  It remains to be seen what the results may be, and given the fact that it is the Middle East there will inevitably be drama.  


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Taps for the Two State Solution

The Israeli encirclement of Jerusalem and announcement of more settlement housing makes the prospect of a two state solution increasingly impossible.  If no solution between Israel and the Palestinians is possible, then we need to adjust our thinking.  And by calling into question the Palestinian State, what are the Israelis saying about the future of their own state of Israel

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Who Cares About Israel?

“The Palestinian issue originally achieved strategic importance for the US primarily as a result of the Cold War and the US-Soviet competition for allies in the strategic Middle East. With the end of the cold war there has been a sometimes-serious debate about just how important the issue is to the United States. For the most part its importance has been assumed. Everybody knows it is important – but is it really important to us? And what about Israel?

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Jerusalem Embassy - The ISIS dream.

President Trump has  revived the call to move our Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The original reasons for locating in Tel Aviv were practical and twofold: security after the 1948 Arab Israeli war, and the fact that the Israeli government was initially located in Tel Aviv. But then the Israelis moved their government to Jerusalem and, for the most part, security was established in the land.  Our Embassy, however, stayed in Tel Aviv. Now the location of our Embassy is a red flag that could block our moves to discredit and defeat ISIS.

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